Join in our interfaith effort to collect thanksgiving meals for 80 families in our area! Help a family enjoy a thanksgiving meal in coordination with the National Center for Children & Families and the Feeding Families program in Anacostia.
Please deliver to our Downtown Bethesda location or Jumu’ah location (MEMORIAL HALL, 6601 Bradley Blvd, Bethesda, MD 20817) by Saturday, November 9. Our youth will prepare the baskets at the Interfaith Assemble-a-Basket activity on November 10.
You may also have the items delivered through our Amazon wish list
If you would like to donate a check or $25 gift cards from Giant for a family to purchase a turkey or other perishable items, please call us at 240-277-5432 and we can arrange to collect the gift cards or check. Monetary donations may be made payable to either Maqaame Ibrahim Islamic Center, Bethesda Jewish Congregation or Bradley Hills Presbyterian Church with “Thanksgiving Drive” as the memo.
List of Non-Perishable Food Items Needed

For more information on our Inter-Congregational Partnership, click here